Hurricane Ready

Hurricanes and flooding go hand in hand.  The more congested the area, the more devastating the impact of flying objects.  Warming oceans and rising sea levels are creating storms of greater intensity.  Record rainfalls are causing extreme flooding.  Storm surges have a farther reach with the increased sea levels.   Being prepared for a hurricane encompasses being prepared for flooding, power outage, and potentially long-term business disruption.  Knowing what your insurance policy covers you for is important.  Taking steps to secure outside objects; possibly having your employees work from home; and having contractors you can call on once the storm has passed are just some of the things you need to think about when a Hurricane Watch goes into effect.   Valuable employees are hard to find and having a backup plan to your payroll, if systems shutdown, is critical.  The self-assessment and mitigation plan in this Hurricane document will get your wheels turning and get you off to a good start.