US Chamber

Considering how difficult it is to build a successful business, you would think that protecting it from harm would be as important as protecting a car or a home. Yet statistics show that more than 60% of small businesses do not have an emergency plan in place (SBA), despite knowing how important it is to their security.

The dangers facing businesses today are very real. Climate change is contributing to an increase in severe storms; Cyber Attacks are out of control especially now that so much of our workforce is working remotely; and COVID-19 has debilitated our economy with the potential of more pandemics to come. Anticipating these challenges will not only increase the survival rate of a business, but it will lessen the blow. By responding quickly, recovery becomes much more manageable.

While no two disasters are alike, having a well-thought out list of resources to work from will provide a great head start. No one wants to think about disaster, but they do happen. Staying ahead of disaster is key.