Frequently Asked Questions
Research shows that having a plan in place before a crisis occurs allows your company to react quickly and decisively for the best possible results. FEMA statistics show that close to half of the company’s experiencing a disaster never reopen. We want to help change that.
There are instances on record where companies have taken the initiative to reduce their risk and were approved for a discount. The concept is similar to getting an auto insurance discount after taking a defensive driving course. While there is no standard offering of its kind, many insurance carriers might consider a reduction in premium for documented reduction in risk. If you take the initiative to strengthen the resiliency of your company, it is in our view, deserving of a reduction in premium. Otherwise we suggest that you shop the market.
Data security is a main concern for all of us and we respect your right to privacy. Google Drive is a safe and accessible site for storing information. Blue Sage Planning allows you to organize your information while your documents are stored in Google. Blue Sage Planning gives you easy access for downloading of documents to Google Drive, while keeping a link between both sites so that documents can be viewed from the Blue Sage Planning site.
A significant amount of information we provide is based on research from FEMA’s website and other associated literature. Our plan is also based on input from professionals in the field of emergency planning, business continuity and disaster recovery. Our questionnaire is designed to highlight strengths and weaknesses so you can focus on where change is needed. We offer suggestions for corrective action and a place to document improvements made. Our blog includes articles for further reading. We realize that time is limited and we want to facilitate getting you key information faster.
Without knowing your areas of weakness, you will not know where to concentrate. The Questionnaire is customized to your situation. If you own your building, your questionnaire will be different than if you don’t or if you are working from home. By narrowing down the areas that need attention, we cut out a lot of work for you and give you the opportunity to get started on a basic business continuity plan from the start. We also provide you with scoring, so, you know how to gauge your progress.
Yes. We have had multiple business owners take even less time to complete the questionnaire. As a general statement, the less you are prepared, the faster the test will take to complete. While that is not a good thing, at least you are aware of your businesses vulnerabilities, which is the first step in developing a plan. Our questionnaire is geared to business operations. It also asks you to indicate from a dropdown menu those natural disasters that you feel pose the greatest threat to your business. As you build your business plan, there is a second set of questions based on best practices in preparation for the natural disasters you selected in the questionnaire. Together, the operational and natural disaster components of the BlueSage Plan allow you to build a more thorough continuity plan for your business.
The BlueSage App organizes all of your important contacts and documents for quick access in an emergency. The actual information will be stored in Google Drive, but appears on the App. By completing our address book, we help make sure you have not overlooked key contacts. By downloading important documents such as floor plans, photos, insurance documents, content lists, etc., you have most of the information you might need in an emergency at your fingertips. Having the ability to offer a floor plan to first responders in an evacuation can be priceless, as is the ability to retrieve insurance documents for expediting a claim. No two emergencies are alike so having everything at your fingertips in an emergency will help you move quickly.