Why Small Businesses need to have an IT Disaster Recovery Plan

According to the SBA (Small Business Administration), 90% of companies fail within one year unless they can resume their operations within 5 days following the disaster.  By having an IT disaster recovery plan in place (and you will most likely use it), you have a fighting chance to get your critical systems up and running fast.  While similar to a business continuity plan that can help your business anticipate disasters, the IT disaster plan focuses only on data recovery and IT operations.

Having 3rd party professionals who can be called on in a moment’s notice; an in-house team assigned to making a disaster recovery plan; monthly rehearsals for key employees to work from home so they are nimble; a phone tree for internal and external emergency communications set up and ready to go; and at least one off-site area for backups that are regularly checked for data, are just a few examples of what a plan should provide.    You buy insurance for your home and car.  Why would you not protect your business?